Spy Games – Clue : Secrets And Spies

Every so often I’ll be highlighting some of the spy games I’ve picked up from various second hand stores over the years. I haven’t played most of these yet, as finding willing spy game participants can be tricky, but I’m hoping to road test some of these as the kids get older.

Although it is branded as a game like Clue, or Cluedo to those of you overseas, it’s actually a completely different type of game with just some crossover of names.

It also uses cutting edge technology – if you have a device called a cellular telephone you can receive messages of text to give you instructions about the game! Wow!

It is a marginally fun spy game. Some of the mechanics seem a bit arbitrary but the art design is pretty cool. The cell phone aspect is now defunct as it was only good through 2011, but that part doesn’t appear to be crucial. If you find it cheap in a thrift store, it’s worth picking up and giving it a try.

I do love this box art. It really screams espionage and the image of the spy makes me mourn the big budget Nic Cage spy movie we never saw made.

You can find more on the game and where to find used copies on the excellent Board Game Geek site.

Have you played this game? What did you think? Comment below!

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